Find out what all happened August to October 1947

The Bombay Municipal Corporation formally takes over the Bombay Electric Supply and Transport (BEST). (7. August 1947)

A British South American Airways Avro Lancastrian airliner crashes into a mountain during a flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Santiago, Chile. The wreckage would not be found for over 50 years. (2. August 1947)

The first televised White House address is given by U.S. President Harry S. Truman. (5. October 1947)

Typhoon Kathleen hit the Kanto Region in Japan killing 1,077. (15. September 1947)

Captain Chuck Yeager of the U.S. Air Force flies a Bell X-1 rocket-powered experimental aircraft, the Glamorous Glennis, faster than the speed of sound - over the high desert of Southern California - and becomes the first pilot and the first airplane to do so in level flight. (14. October 1947)

Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founding father of Pakistan, gives a speech to the Constituent Assembly, the contents and meaning of which remain contentious today. (11. August 1947)

The Supreme Court of Japan is established. (4. August 1947)

United States of America and Islamic Republic of Pakistan establish diplomatic relations for the first time. (20. October 1947)

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Yemen join the United Nations. (30. September 1947)

The World Series, featuring the New York Yankees and the Brooklyn Dodgers, is televised for the first time. (30. September 1947)

Pakistan gains Independence from the British Empire and joins the Commonwealth of Nations. (14. August 1947)

Founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah is sworn in as first Governor-General of Pakistan in Karachi. (15. August 1947)

Walt Disney testifies before the House Un-American Activities Committee, naming Disney employees he believes to be communists. (24. October 1947)

India gains Independence from the British Indian Empire after near 90 years of Crown rule and joins the Commonwealth of Nations. (15. August 1947)

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which is the foundation of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), is founded. (30. October 1947)

Thor Heyerdahl's balsa wood raft the Kon-Tiki, smashes into the reef at Raroia in the Tuamotu Islands after a 101-day, 7,000 kilometres (4,300 mi) journey across the Pacific Ocean in an attempt to prove that pre-historic peoples could have traveled from South America. (7. August 1947)

The Maharaja of Kashmir and Jammu agrees to allow his kingdom to join India. (26. October 1947)

The United States Air Force becomes an independent branch of the United States armed forces. (18. September 1947)

RCA releases the 12AX7 vacuum tube. (15. September 1947)

The House Un-American Activities Committee begins its investigation into Communist infiltration of Hollywood, resulting in a blacklist that prevents some from working in the industry for years. (20. October 1947)

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