Find out what all happened March to September 1966

Topeka, Kansas, is devastated by a tornado that registers as an "F5" on the Fujita Scale: the first to exceed US$100 million in damages. Sixteen people are killed, hundreds more injured, and thousands of homes damaged or destroyed. (8. June 1966)

Launch of Surveyor 1 the first US spacecraft to land on an extraterrestrial body. (30. May 1966)

British Guiana gains independence, becoming Guyana. (26. May 1966)

Rastafari movement: Haile Selassie of Ethiopia visits Jamaica, an event now celebrated as Grounation Day. (21. April 1966)

U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Freedom of Information Act into United States law. The act went into effect the next year. (4. July 1966)

The Communist Party of China issues the "May 16 Notice", marking the beginning of the Cultural Revolution. (16. May 1966)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.5 destroys Tashkent. (26. April 1966)

Explorer program: Explorer 32 launches. (25. May 1966)

The first Star Trek series premieres on NBC. (8. September 1966)

The Vatican announces the abolition of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum ("index of prohibited books"), which was originally instituted in 1557. (14. June 1966)

Shiv Sena a political party in India is founded in Mumbai. (19. June 1966)

Military Prime Minister of South Vietnam Nguyen Cao Ky sacked rival General Nguyen Chanh Thi, precipitating large-scale civil and military dissension in parts of the nation. (10. March 1966)

Charles Whitman kills 16 people at the University of Texas at Austin before being killed by the police. (1. August 1966)

The former Congolese Prime Minister, Évariste Kimba, and several other politicians are publicly executed in Kinshasa on the orders of President Joseph Mobutu. (30. May 1966)

Gemini 11, the penultimate mission of NASA's Gemini program, and the current human altitude record holder (except for the Apollo lunar missions) (12. September 1966)

Race riots occur in Lansing, Michigan. (7. August 1966)

Venera 3 Soviet space probe crashes on Venus becoming the first spacecraft to land on another planet's surface. (1. March 1966)

The United States Supreme Court rules in Miranda v. Arizona that the police must inform suspects of their rights before questioning them. (13. June 1966)

King Mwambutsa IV Bangiriceng of Burundi is deposed by his son Prince Charles Ndizi. (8. July 1966)

An F-104 Starfighter collides with XB-70 Valkyrie prototype no. 2, destroying both planes during a photo shoot near Edwards Air Force Base. Joseph A. Walker, a NASA pilot, and Carl Cross, a United States Air Force test pilot, are both killed. (8. June 1966)

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