Find out what all happened in the 17. century
Charles II is crowned King of Scotland. (1. January 1651)
Russia begins using the Anno Domini era and no longer uses the Anno Mundi era of the Byzantine Empire. (1. January 1700)
By the Coonan Cross Oath, the Eastern Church in India cuts itself off from colonial Portuguese tutelage. (3. January 1653)
King Charles I of England sends soldiers to arrest members of Parliament, commencing England's slide into civil war. (4. January 1642)
English Civil War: The Rump Parliament votes to put Charles I on trial. (4. January 1649)
Battle of Colmar: the French army beats Brandenburg. (5. January 1675)
English Restoration: The Fifth Monarchists unsuccessfully attempt to seize control of London, England. (6. January 1661)
Joseph, son of Emperor Leopold I, becomes King of the Romans. (6. January 1690)
Fire destroys Jamestown, Virginia. (7. January 1608)
Galileo Galilei makes his first observation of the four Galilean moons: Ganymede, Callisto, Io and Europa, although he is not able to distinguish the last two until the following day. (7. January 1610)
Last execution for blasphemy in Britain; of Thomas Aikenhead, student, at Edinburgh. (8. January 1697)
Archbishop William Laud is beheaded at the Tower of London. (10. January 1645)
A powerful earthquake destroys parts of Sicily and Malta. (11. January 1693)
The city of Belém is founded in Pará, Brazil by Francisco Caldeira Castelo Branco. (12. January 1616)
The Bank of Genoa fails after announcement of national bankruptcy in Spain. (13. January 1607)
French traveller Jean-Baptiste Tavernier arrived Dhaka and met Shaista Khan. (13. January 1666)
The "Fundamental Orders", the first written constitution that created a government, is adopted in Connecticut. (14. January 1639)
The first edition of El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha (Book One of Don Quixote) by Miguel de Cervantes is published in Madrid, Spain. (16. January 1605)
Emperor Susenyos surprises an Oromo army at Ebenat; his army reportedly kills 12,000 Oromo at the cost of 400 of his men. (17. January 1608)
England's Long Parliament passes the "Vote of No Addresses", breaking off negotiations with King Charles I and thereby setting the scene for the second phase of the English Civil War. (17. January 1648)
WHAT HAPPENED IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 17. CENTURY Find out what all happened in the first half of the 17. century
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WHO ALL DIED IN 1617. See all who died in 1617.
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ALL WHO ARE BORN IN THE 17. CENTURY Find out who all were born in the 17. century